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Touching Douyin to cross the river, Kuaishou wants to eat "meat pigeon"

Zhang Shule| 2024/10/15 09:00

Kuaishou wants to eat "meat pigeon",

Douyin is "forced" to show the way!

"Meat pigeon" has become the new main direction of Kuaishou.

I eat it and can transform.

Zhang Shule, touching Douyin to cross the river, Kuaishou wants to eat "meat pigeon"

On October 11, Kuaishou's "Endless Dreams" game label "Endless Dreams" officially announced that its full platform reservations have exceeded 8 million.

I have to say that behind this achievement, Kuaishou short video must have made a contribution, just like the game of the byte family, Douyin will help.

And the day before, "Endless Dreams" also ushered in the third test.

According to the game label, "Endless Dreams" is a multi-character action "meat pigeon" with the theme of "1.4 billion people share dreams".

Zhang Shule, touching Douyin to cross the river, Kuaishou wants to eat "meat pigeon"

And "meat pigeon" is homophonic from "Rogue", the pioneer of the roguelike game category.

According to the "Berlin Guidelines" proposed by the "International Roguelike Development Conference", the framework of this type of game is outlined by eight definitions, including randomly generated environments, game world resets after the death of the player character, and turn-based systems.

Overall, randomness is the biggest feature of roguelike games.

There has always been a controversy in the game circle about whether "Endless Dreams" is a second game.

Its "skin" is very two-dimensional, but the project team has always emphasized the label of "action meat pigeon" and released the slogan of heavy gameplay.

The core selling point of the game is the meat pigeon action gameplay, rather than the plot and art, which is contrary to the idea that the traditional second game attaches more importance to the plot and art.

At the same time, "Endless Dreams" looks very similar to the popular single-player game "Hades" that came out of the indie game circle in the past few years - isometric perspective, enemies from all directions, and refreshing real-time combat......

Zhang Shule, touching Douyin to cross the river, Kuaishou wants to eat "meat pigeon"

This Kuaishou new game debuted with "two-dimensional + meat pigeon", and it was ridiculed by many players as a fairy tale version of "Hades" because it was too god-like.

In addition, the popularity of meat pigeon games in China seems to have become a trend.

The general view is that the meat pigeon can be said to be the universal antidote in the current mobile game.

For example, "League of Legends" and "Endless Lagrange" have also added related gameplay to the game.

In the two-dimensional game, "Ark of Tomorrow", which was launched as early as the beginning of 2022 with the "meat pigeon" gameplay, is still continuing to update its "meat pigeon" gameplay. It has now become a permanent update.

I have to say that the four game products on the official website of the snap universe have broken the impression of Kuaishou as a short video platform.

At present, there is also an ink-style Three Kingdoms strategy game and a well-known online IP "Master of Mystery" authorized adaptation of the mobile game, before Kuaishou's game business has been in turmoil several times, and now it seems to have ushered in a breakthrough.

Zhang Shule, touching Douyin to cross the river, Kuaishou wants to eat "meat pigeon"

What were the reasons for choosing the first battle of the game in the snap universe?

Why is the meat pigeon the choice of all kinds of games?

Compared with the previous Byte layout of the game, can Kuaishou run out in the game field?

In this regard, Li Yutong, a reporter from the Daily Economic News, had an exchange with Shule, and the monkey thought:

Byte (Douyin)'s previous ups and downs in the game have become the guiding light for Kuaishou to impact the game.

Using two-dimensional + meat pigeon is actually a common choice for many current games.

Kuaishou made this choice in order to stand in the game market first, rather than the kind of Byte Games that wants to use subversive innovation to determine the winner in one game.

This is a pragmatic approach to play, which is very much in line with Kuaishou's consistent attack route of following the trend first and then differentiating, and also refers to the lessons of the idealistic Byte Games that have reshaped the route before.

Zhang Shule, touching Douyin to cross the river, Kuaishou wants to eat "meat pigeon"

The reason for choosing meat pigeons is mainly because it seems that the mainstream mobile games in the early days were too procedural, so that players are prone to aesthetic fatigue in mechanical monster fighting, upgrading and customs clearance.

The meat pigeon game has a large randomness on the map, fighting monsters, and the tactical requirements of the game, which increases the chance and forms a new game experience, which gives players more sense of gain and has become the choice of many games at present.

With this breakthrough, Kuaishou can quickly enter the game market.

However, due to the fact that the technical threshold of this type of play is not high, it is really necessary to form a differentiation from many meat pigeon games, so as to avoid players from getting tired again in the endless meat pigeon, and also test the innovation ability of game research and operation.

As for Kuaishou making games, the advantages and disadvantages are also obvious.

Whether it's Douyin or Kuaishou, the short video platform is a natural traffic pool for games, but if it doesn't have its own truly unique hit game, it is still a traffic platform, not a game company.

Zhang Shule, touching Douyin to cross the river, Kuaishou wants to eat "meat pigeon"

Kuaishou is now following the trend, which can only be said to have won the ticket.

But there is still a long way to go to the waist to actually enter the game.

In the end, if it wants to become a major game manufacturer like Tencent with its own games forming a strong hit, it is still necessary to try to find a genre in game innovation to break through and subvert the category like Byte.

However, this path is more difficult, and it is not possible to succeed by throwing money at it.

Byte's choice to break and then stand is also an option to reformulate the breakthrough route due to failure in the early stage.

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