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Wow! I'm got caught up in the robots

Zhang Shule 2024/10/13 10:40

The money of AI chat,

It's still on the blueprint,

Where is the breakthrough?

In order to make users have a better time,

Big manufacturers are putting "brains" on AI.

Zhang Shule, Wow! I'm got caught up in the robots

Once, there was a "scandal" in the gaming circle, about AI.

Around the turn of 2021, a Japan game company launched a male-oriented love game "Plus Links: Thoughts to Connect with You".

The gameplay is a standard romance game, where players venture out into a virtual city, where girls with different personalities and backgrounds are waiting for you to "meet" with their dreams and conflicts.

The difference is that the player is free to type and chat with the girl in front of him, whatever he wants.

They'll also get back to you in real-time, and each character has a different style of dialogue.

A proper AI chat game!

But when more than 100,000 players poured in, they found that the AI was often slow to reply, and there were typos in the messages, and it disappeared at 12 o'clock in the evening, and it could not be replied until 10 o'clock in the morning......

Could it be that it corresponds to the customer service schedule?

Is it AI or a big man who is chatting?

Is it artificial or intelligent?

The players were as fierce as a tiger, and as a result, they found a job advertisement that appeared to be the company:

In a love game, chat with players according to the character's settings, reply to 300-1000 messages a day, each message is about 15-30 words, and the salary is calculated according to the number of words.

Zhang Shule, Wow! I'm got caught up in the robots

All right!

Despite the doubts, the company did not admit that the game did not end up in popularity.

However, this issue is now being resolved.

Soul, a domestic stranger social app, has tossed out a new way to play at the beginning of 2024, introducing AI capabilities in the station game scene "Werewolf Awakening".

Zhang Shule, Wow! I'm got caught up in the robots

"First of all, I declare that I am holding a civilian card, just now the No. 4 player spoke and stroked very obviously, and the No. 5 player has been stepping on the No. 1 player with a rhythm since the first time, I don't know very well which of them is a wolf, listen to the prophet report to check. Before the countdown ended, the crisp female voice quickly finished summing up, and the next player's voice sounded.

In the past, in Werewolf Kill, players had to jump sideways repeatedly to determine "who is the wolf".

Now, a new suspense has been added: is it a real person or an AI who is playing the game together?

Perhaps the logical player speech in the previous paragraph is based on the AI's own decision-making.

Previously, AI chat was also broken through the scene and put on another experience of the game: Raiders.

In 2023, IGN, an overseas game review media, launched an AI chatbot and tested it in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

Zhang Shule, Wow! I'm got caught up in the robots

Players can ask questions about the game through the chat window at the bottom of the guide page by logging into their IGN account......

It's just that, no matter how you look at it, it looks like an ordinary search service that has rubbed off on the hot spot of AI.

On the other hand, voice interaction is more penetrating than text dialogue, and this time it was Nvidia who made the shot.

It unveiled the Avatar Cloud Engine (ACE) at CES 2024, which not only brings the game NPCs to life, but also allows you to communicate with your voice in both English and Chinese, as well as the corresponding expressions and body movements.

Interestingly, in the game display, the Chinese pronunciation of the ramen shop owner is quite magical.

Maybe it's because his character is a foreigner, and he can't speak Beijing dialect to the same standard as Dashan!

If it's not a bug, it's an intelligent choice.

However, this kind of multi-faceted is still flawed, that is, it only gives feedback based on your timely chat, and when you turn around, the AI has forgotten about you.

Brain-opening domestic game manufacturers have realized this and used it as a breakthrough.

Zhang Zaiwei, vice president of Shengqu Games, told the media: "According to our current experience, AI NPCs have the technical means to have continuous memory capabilities. ”

And another game manufacturer, Kunlun Wanwei's self-developed AI game Club Koala, seems to have a memory function from the description:

NPCs that focus on plant research will guide you on where to pick the most fruits.

Zhang Shule, Wow! I'm got caught up in the robots

If you become friends with daily communication, he will also help you take care of your garden.

Detective NPCs will refuse to help with homework, but will give some tips and suggestions on how to learn.

In the future, players will even be able to customize their own NPCs......

Zhang Shule, Wow! I'm got caught up in the robots

However, all this is far from mature.

The big future of AI chat games is still on the blueprint, where is the breakthrough?

Obviously, it's not enough to remember you.

Published in the People's Post and Telegraph on June 14, 2024, Issue 403 of the column of "Le Youji".

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