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Two-dimensional, why do you always love to go crazy with producers?

Game matrix 2024/10/11 16:33

The copycat version of "Azure Files" - Project KV is completely cool. On September 8, Dynamis One announced that Project KV was officially suspended, all game-related materials were deleted, and the official account of 100,000 followers could no longer be searched. From the release of the first promotional video on September 1 to the closing of the store on the 8th, the new project staged a realistic version of "Seven Days of Death". There have been many reports about the ins and outs of this incident. In order to eat the melon and eat it all, here is a brief retelling. What happened was that a group of veteran employees who left "Azure Files" started a new project Project KV, led by Park Byung-rim, a Japanese costume producer and deputy director. Because the new project has too many similarities with "Azure Files", such as weapons + beautiful girls, halos on their heads, etc., "Azure Files" players are angry and form a group to attack the new project. In the end, this short-lived project failed to withstand the attack, and chose to quickly skate and kneel, delete the material and run away. This incident did not have much attention in China, on the one hand, the influence of "Azure Archive" in China has declined, and more importantly, the ecological niche of "Azure Archive" in China has been replaced, and the two-dimensional with the strongest combat effectiveness has not gathered here. In Japan and South Korea, "Azure Files" is still the gathering place of the strongest combat power of men to the second dimension, full of fun people and demon people. The team's resignation and re-entrepreneurship is like a fire that ignites the community, even though Project KV has already knelt, the players still do not relentlessly engage in second creation, turning this event into a carnival. ACG has strong social attributes, and it is traditional to pay attention to the movements of star producers. It's this high level of attention that gives many producers the confidence or ambition to take a gamble. And praising and debating the good and evil of the producer has become an important part of the two-dimensional community play. However, this Project KV incident may show that the routine of selling star producers is gradually failing even in the second dimension.Game Matrix, Quadratic Dimension, Why Do You Always Love To Go Crazy With Producers?Game Matrix, Quadratic Dimension, Why Do You Always Love To Go Crazy With Producers?Game Matrix, Quadratic Dimension, Why Do You Always Love To Go Crazy With Producers?

ACG, why do you love producers? In many ways, the dead Project KV has a strong speculative nature. Who borrowed the courage of these departing producers and made them dare to draw cakes in the void in just 4 months? The answer is that the community players themselves spoil it. There is no shortage of celebrities in any circle. However, compared to other circles, two-dimensional players will pay more attention to the producer behind the game. This tendency is actually highly related to the community tradition of the second dimension. What is "two-dimensional"? It's hard to define in one sentence. However, students who have been exposed to ACG can feel that ACG has a tradition of "everything can be anthropomorphic". From the familiar ship girl to the niche even soda cans can be anthropomorphic. Behind the anthropomorphic culture, it reflects that the second dimension actually has a strong social need, and the fact that the otaku has little social interaction does not mean that they don't want to make friends. On the contrary, it is precisely because the real world cannot meet their social needs that they come to the virtual world to seek the interaction of "paper people". Over time, the second dimension acquires a skill, that is, to be able to anthropomorphize everything that comes into contact with you. The railroad bus that you commute to, the computer game console you use, the operating system and browser you come into contact with...... Everything can be anthropomorphic. In the face of their favorite games and the game companies behind them, ACG is naturally very willing to personify them, and treat and understand a company as a "person". Gaming companies also see an opportunity. Japan, as the birthplace of two-dimensional culture, has long discovered the value of well-known producers. Pushing producers to the front line of communication with players can often achieve good publicity results, and it has also become popular with a group of star producers. Some producers have eaten this bonus even until now. For example, when domestic game capital went overseas to invest in the 2020s, not many Japan producers took the opportunity to find retirement opportunities. It was not until this year that foreign media reported that "Tencent NetEase contracted its investment in Japan" that this pension meal ticket was invalidated. Compared with single-player producers who are more "passive" to be famous, two-dimensional producers will be more active in embracing the community. Second-game producers are often two-dimensional themselves. They know that ACG has an anthropomorphic tradition, and their audience has the need to "be noticed". From the very beginning of their business, they consciously and proactively interact with players, respond to their expectations, and make it an integral part of their daily work. And the two-dimensional audience is also very buying this, in today's words, the emotional value is satisfied. Looking back at the past few years of domestic two-dimensional development, almost all the rising second-game companies will be highly bound to the core producers. Cai Meow's big viagra is to mihoyou, sea cats are to eagle horns, feathers are to scatter explosions, and so on...... In the Internet era, "service-oriented games" are popular, and players want producers to stand in front of the stage, and even hope that producers are "always online". And the producers and their companies who consciously stood in front of the stage are equivalent to directly eating this dividend. For example, there is a report of "Big Viagra Tears on the Scene" on "Genshin Impact FES" this year, and the reason why I say it again is because he also cried for "Honkai III" last year. In this regard, some people think that this is true feelings, and some people think that this is a performance. But for Big Viagra, standing in front of the stage and communicating with players face-to-face has become one of the things he has to do personally. @名场面集锦 since players treat miHoYo as a "person", Big Viagra should try to respond to this expectation of players. And the physical platform facing everyone's eyes is the best way to respond. It is indeed tiring to stand in front of the stage, but this anthropomorphic tradition of the ACG community has objectively also brought huge traffic to the producers. Not only company owners, but also copywriters, artists, voice actors, music supervisors...... Many behind-the-scenes workers have the opportunity to eat this traffic when they reach the ACG project, and even establish a personal IP. For example, musician Chen Zhiyi has made soundtracks for many games and films before participating in "Genshin Impact", but his popularity is limited to the circle, and his personal popularity did not explode until he participated in "Genshin Impact". What's special about second-hand players is that when they hear their favorite music, they search for the producer, talk about the producer, and listen to all the music from his past. In such a community communication environment, it is easy for personal popularity to spread. In September last year, Chen Zhiyi announced that he had left miHoYo and its music studio HOYO-MiX. Some people are blessed, and some people are not optimistic. Whatever Chan's next project is, there's a fact that the title of "former Genshin Impact music producer" can bring attention and traffic to new projects. This is the traffic that is difficult for non-quadratic projects to bring.Game Matrix, Quadratic Dimension, Why Do You Always Love To Go Crazy With Producers?Game Matrix, Quadratic Dimension, Why Do You Always Love To Go Crazy With Producers?Game Matrix, Quadratic Dimension, Why Do You Always Love To Go Crazy With Producers?Game Matrix, Quadratic Dimension, Why Do You Always Love To Go Crazy With Producers?

In the name of love, I understand that ACG can bring so much traffic to producers, and I understand why second-game producers are always restless. Whether it is a case like Project KV or Chen Zhiyi, we can see that because players will take the initiative to identify the producer, they will follow the producer to choose the game. This gives ACG producers a second leverage in addition to capital, and has the ability to leverage more resources to start a business. As a start-up company, Eagle Corner was able to get a lot of investment and win a large number of artist cooperation without any masterpieces, one of the main reasons was due to the popularity of its producer team in the two-dimensional community. The earliest origin of the stalk of "Half of the Country" is actually that "Tomorrow's Ark" mobilized half of the domestic two-dimensional human and material resources at that time. However, the success of Eagle Point does not mean that others will be successful as long as they have all the three elements of "resignation", "well-known producer" and "entrepreneurship". Of course, the departing producer can bring his own traffic and topics, but if this traffic cannot be implemented into the new product as soon as possible, it will still be in vain in the end. He Jia, who used to work in miHoYo and participated in the "Collapse Three" project, after leaving miHoYo, he successively joined Tencent and Art Painting Kaitian, and this summer there was news that he left Art Painting Kaitian. Successive job hops have kept him from coming up with new works for several years, and the aura of a star producer is rapidly fading. Like last year's "Ring Hostel", the producer opened the server and wanted to create a "conscientious producer" character to win the support of players. As a result, the game was going to die in less than a year, and the producer didn't cash in on the pie, so the player naturally felt cheated and said "never touch his game again". @国士无双 similar case is last year's "Millennium Journey", where the producer also set up a "listen to the player's persuasion" character, and changed the plot in response to the player's dismissal of the copywriter. As a result, the performance of the game was not good, and the producer himself recently posted that "Millennium Journey" has become his "negative asset", which cannot be lost or saved, and affects the development of new projects. It can be seen that "star producer" is a double-edged sword. When the game is good, everything is fine, and there is no shortage of financing or player support for new projects. Once the game is bad, too much attention can become a chain that entangles the producer and immobilizes them. Especially for those producers who want to learn from Internet celebrity bloggers, they set up a fake persona today and planted a mine, so don't blame the persona for collapsing tomorrow and being backlashed.

There are many liars, players are immune, they have seen excellent producers, and they have also seen producers whose personalities collapsed, and China's ACG community has completed the version update. The player lets go of the obsession of love and embarks on a more pragmatic path. No matter what the producer's past achievements are or how fanciful the new project is, players only look at the quality of the final product. The game is fun, and the producer cashed in on the pie drawn, so all the praise is not exaggerated; The game can't even be put online, so all the past feelings are written off. The rise of Youxing and Eagle Horn depends on the excellent quality of the games such as "Blue Route", "Sparrow Soul" and "Tomorrow's Ark", and miHoYo has repeatedly proved itself with products, which is why it has its current status in the rivers and lakes. As a comparison, the team that is also a member group of scattered explosions, the new project "Fog Sequence" will not be launched until the end of 2023, and it will die quietly. Bai Long, the producer who left the name of "Weibo Office" back then, not only couldn't save the project, but he only ended up with salary arrears. Also in the uproar that year was the exodus of the "Shepherd's Heart" team. The person in charge of operations "Hou Yu", who ran away, relied on his influence in the community at that time to win a large amount of investment and open the "Stars" project. The final result is that the investment game has not been made after burning out. The producer is naturally forgotten by the players, and it is not an exaggeration to be labeled by the media as "high-eyed and low-handed". Perhaps the only thing Hou Yu can be happy about is that the old club who had a dispute with him died in front of him in the "first bullet". All kinds of cases show that China's ACG is actually becoming more and more rational, and it is becoming more and more disobedient to the climax of the producer's email. Whoever believes in "love you" will be betrayed sooner or later. Of course, there is always a group of ACG who still want to make the production team a god in the virtual world. They will slowly gather under certain games that are willing to cooperate with their god-making performances. In Japan and South Korea, the game of sheltering homestay refugees and creating gods for them is "Azure Files". However, the producers of "Azure Files", while accepting the praise of players, really took these touts seriously and reveled in them. A group of producers represented by Park Byung-rim feel that the success of "Azure Files" depends on their own genius, and as long as they raise their arms, players will gather to respond, and it is not easy to leave their jobs and start a business to reach the peak? At that time, it will be easy to make a game that surpasses Azure Files. As a result, Project KV was born with only a few PPTs. But this time, the departing team only guessed the beginning, but not the ending. Instead of supporting them, Azure Files players labeled the team a "traitor" and a "black rat", and regarded their departure as a "betrayal of adults". And NEXON, who was supposed to play the "villain" and "big capitalist" in this play, became the last straw to end the farce. In the face of the departing team's high imitation, the official just lightly mentioned that "the new project has nothing to do with me". Seeing the player sit on their side before negotiating, the project was terminated. @NGA, however, the closure of Project KV does not mean that Teal Archives is a triumph. This incident is essentially a Gu raised by NEXON itself. From the beginning of its operation, "Azure Files" deliberately made some producers in the team popular out of consideration for catering to the two-dimensional audience. Pushing the producer to the front of the stage can really save the company operating costs, and attracting a group of players who love to love God does make the game have more traffic. But when the popular producer wants to leave, and when the popular player wants the producer to fulfill the promise of love, everything will only go out of control. Even if the departing team just did this with the idea of disgusting the old club, it was enough to hurt both the players of the Azure Files and their former team colleagues. In the final analysis, the so-called "god-making movement" is a conference for the liberation of desires. Whether it's a producer or a player, when the desires of all parties start to swell, collisions are inevitable, and tearing and collapsing is only a matter of time.Game Matrix, Quadratic Dimension, Why Do You Always Love To Go Crazy With Producers?

Epilogue: ACG pays special attention to star producers, which is actually not a bad thing. Don't simply treat this phenomenon as a rice circle. Paying attention to and affirming the value of "people" is the innocent side of ACG, and it is also the source of ACG's vitality for so many years. In the era when consumerism materializes everything, ACG is trying to reduce paper people and some materialized things to people, which in itself is the biggest resistance of young people to the postmodern world! But paying attention to producers does not mean superstitious producers, and it should not become a hype method for some producers to use in reverse. Trust is precious, and once broken, it is difficult to repair it. For producers, their reputation only has one chance to advance, and please cherish the trust of players who advance in advance. For players, watching more of what the producer did and less listening to what the producer blew may be the path chosen with the least injury.

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