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Today, Tencent Games has smashed a hole in the ceiling of FPS

Game matrix 2024/09/27 06:42

Today, Operation Delta is officially in open beta. After its launch, it was not surprising that the game topped the iOS free charts. The choice of this time point to launch is obviously due to the huge traffic of the National Day, and in order to make full use of this opportunity, the promotion and distribution of the game is also in full swing.

At the beginning of September, "Operation Delta" first exposed a live-action war short film, which instantly filled the game's high-standard tonality, and on the later finalized PV, the official also said "It's time to play a good game", and simultaneously launched a video version in a variety of dialects, the number of views once exceeded 5 million, and the FPS game was promoted in dialect, and the word "domestic" was written on the face. is about to be launched, "Operation Delta" also announced the identity of the mysterious spokesperson - Wu Yanzu, the joining of "Azu" has undoubtedly added a lot of stars to the game, on social media, you must have seen many people calling themselves "Yanzu", so on the day of launch, Yanzu's UID has become something that Delta players must guard. You are Yanzu, so who am I? From the release side, it can be seen that Tencent has high hopes for the game "Operation Delta" and has shown great confidence and ambition. It is not difficult to understand that "Operation Delta", as another masterpiece of Tencent in the field of FPS, naturally shoulders the important task of continuing and expanding Tencent's advantages in this field. At the same time, Tencent also hopes to set a higher benchmark in the international market through this game and compete with international masterpieces. In fact, before its launch, "Operation Delta" ranked fourth on the pre-order list on the Steam platform; Earlier, Operation Delta also topped the charts on Twitch; In Cologne, it was even fuller, and players surrounded the booth, which showed that foreigners were also full of enthusiasm for the game. Now that the game is officially launched, can Operation Delta really live up to the expectations of players? Is it really as Tencent promotes, play something good?Game Matrix, Today, Tencent Games has smashed a hole in the ceiling of FPS

It's time for something good

Since the first exposure of PV in "Operation Delta", the matrix has actually been following up, after all, a high-standard domestic FPS game is still worth paying attention to. This time, "Operation Delta" is officially launched steadily, and it is moving towards the goal of a new ceiling.

In fact, when the "Dangerous Operation" mode was first unveiled, their "search and withdrawal" gameplay was already different from the games on the market, and "Operation Delta" introduced an operator system and had its own tactical skills. Due to the high performance of the operator, players are encouraged to actively fight guns in the gold game, which reduces the frustration of players being killed by the old six, and also lowers the public threshold of this gameplay. The addition of "Mandel Bricks" enriches the tactical choices in a single game, and also allows players to get adrenaline pumping in the process of snatching, further increasing the competitiveness of the game. Then the second test "Delta Operation" launched the big battlefield mode, which set foot in a track that is still lacking in China, and the team is still committed to making this mode the ultimate. Not only is the server stable and able to support 32v32 (24v24 on mobile) games, but the design of vehicles, battlefield support, and scene destruction can also bring players an immersive combat experience. After several tests, almost every time there are new maps, new mechanics, and new operators, it can be seen that the production capacity is sufficient, and the team is also very "persuasive", in the past six months, the team has received nearly 16,000 player questionnaires, solving nearly 90% of the problems. Especially in the final origin test, the project team has optimized the problems such as stuckness, commercialization, and animation fluency that players have fed back, and has done the final finishing work for the official launch of the game. In addition to Grand Battlegrounds and Gold Capture mode, when we mentioned the features of Operation Delta earlier, we couldn't avoid its highly personalized gun modification system. Indeed, this system allows players to customize their guns to their own preferences and tactical needs, while also subtly affecting the feel of the game. But behind these is a much larger and more elaborate pipeline, which we have only been able to glimpse after several official documentaries have recently come to light. For example, in order to create the most realistic firearms experience, the development team of "Operation Delta" will travel to overseas legal shooting ranges from time to time for live-fire training. This practice allows team members to experience first-hand the texture and feedback of a real gun, and also provides them with valuable data support. When it comes to game development, the team will carefully simulate the feedback of the gun in terms of force, inertia, etc., so that every shot seems more realistic. And in terms of character and animation design, they have the same "ingenuity". In addition to using motion capture technology and 3D scanning technology to ensure that the dynamic representation of the characters is realistic and detailed, the team will also communicate and learn from the world's top special forces, which will be used as a benchmark to set the gold standard for animation design. For example, in the design of the execution action, the team adopted the method of practical exercises, striving to find a realistic basis for every detail. For example, in the production of gun audio, the team worked with Warner's senior partners and Molinare, a studio with rich experience in 3A FPS gun simulation, to create realistic and shocking sound effects, which further improved the overall game sound. Seeing this, our impression of "Eight Treasure Porridge" (the player's joking name for "Operation Delta") is also clear, not that it is enough to add a lot of materials and sew a lot of gameplay into it, but it is really like the ancient method of three stirrings - "in the truth", "in the person" and "in the heart" as advertised in the PV. It's easy to understand another way of thinking, it's hard to say that Tencent has invested so many things, all kinds of R&D configurations are full, and the goal is only to stitch together a few gameplay methods, which is obviously unnecessary, just like there is no need to "make a dumpling for a dish of vinegar". One dares to push, one dares to connect in the hearts of some players, "Operation Delta" may be a little far from the best in their hearts, but "Operation Delta" is not biased, whether it is the search and withdrawal mode, the big battlefield mode, or the picture, music, feel, and even multi-terminal technology, "Operation Delta" can achieve the level above the average, and in some aspects it also presents a leading position, such products are actually only a handful in the entire FPS market.Game Matrix, Today, Tencent Games has smashed a hole in the ceiling of FPSGame Matrix, Today, Tencent Games has smashed a hole in the ceiling of FPSGame Matrix, Today, Tencent Games has smashed a hole in the ceiling of FPSGame Matrix, Today, Tencent Games has smashed a hole in the ceiling of FPS

Start a new round of "price war" of gold game

"Operation Delta" is obviously built by Tencent at great expense, however, it has also caused many players to worry: after the game is launched, will the operation team pursue short-term benefits and rush to achieve success? This is exactly the choice faced by the commercialization strategy of Operation Delta. From the player's point of view, everyone playing "touch gold" games is nothing more than worrying about two problems, one is, if the overall resources of the game are relatively scarce, then it will become a full "mouse" in the later stage, and a dead game means that it will take five or six rounds to return to the cost, which is obviously difficult to accept. Novices will also find it difficult to persevere due to the high threshold, the large gap between the rich and the poor, and the strong sense of frustration. The other is that if the overall resources are more, it will lead to the collapse of the game's internal economy, the price of goods, and the results of the player's labor will come to naught, even if it is not so exaggerated, everyone will not be short of money in the later stage, or there will be money that cannot be spent, and then the game goal will be lost, which is equivalent to shortening the life of the game in disguise. In response to these problems, the current "Delta Action" has given its own solutions. First of all, the basic market for the commercialization of "Operation Delta" is still not to sell values, and not to do Pay to Win, which is the same for everyone, ensuring that all players are on the same starting line. The official "never sell gold" promise made in the open beta preview adds to this concept. Specifically, the Haff Coins in the game cannot be obtained directly through recharging, players need to dig them in the game, and Haff Coins are used for various purposes, such as keys, gun skins, materials, and mandel bricks, etc., which can be obtained directly or indirectly in the game. This means that the existence of Haffcoin as a hard currency ensures that in-game prices are mainly self-regulated by the market of supply and demand, which will help maintain the healthy development of the game economy in the long run. Another point on the issue of withdrawal rates, "Operation Delta" does not blindly reduce the withdrawal rate. On the contrary, after the launch of the server, the overall withdrawal rate has not only increased, but also the refresh rate of Mandel Bricks will increase for a limited time in the first eight days of the open beta. However, for most players, especially those who don't have a fixed team, Mandel Bricks are not readily available. With this in mind, Operation Delta has further increased the explosion rate in other places and added more material points, and after actually experiencing it, many inconspicuous containers can be painted with gold red (high-value materials). And interlocking with the "golden red" is naturally the design of the safety box. After all, there is a safety box at the bottom and the output is stable, and everyone will not want to be a "rat man". In this regard, Operation Delta has also done a good job. In the open beta preview livestream, the team said that 2x2 safeboxes can be obtained by players online, and the 3x3 safebox with the largest space does not require players to kryptonite, and only needs to complete the season challenge tasks to get rewards. During the internal test, everyone has to do more tasks, and the box you get is not so big, and this public beta can only be said to be an increase in volume and a price reduction. In some other games of the same category on the market, the capacity of the safe box is often linked to the price, and it is not a permanent free purchase, so in contrast, even zero krypton players have a good experience in "Operation Delta", if "Operation Delta" can continue to implement this welfare policy and achieve good results in subsequent operations, then it is likely to affect the entire category market, and then bring down the price of the safe box. I asked the main planner, it should be every season For Krypton players, in addition to the gun skin, the payment point of "Operation Delta" is basically only a premium pass, which can speed up the acquisition of resources. Moreover, the pass for Operation Delta is now separate for single mode, which means that if you only play the Great Battlegrounds mode, then you don't need to buy the pass on the "Dangerous Operation" side, which undoubtedly gives players more choice. On the whole, the commercialization strategy of "Operation Delta" is obviously not as radical as similar games, and it is more inclined to be designed from the player's standpoint, and players of all types can find the way to "get rich" in the game, which undoubtedly started a new round of price war. The most important thing is that this will make "Operation Delta" more stable and farther in the long-term operation in the future, which is in line with Tencent's high-quality and evergreen strategy.Game Matrix, Today, Tencent Games has smashed a hole in the ceiling of FPSGame Matrix, Today, Tencent Games has smashed a hole in the ceiling of FPS


In today's game market, Tencent Games has long played its own in the FPS track of the global mobile terminal. But this time, Tencent doesn't just want to lie in the comfort zone, but really spend money to prove itself in the high-quality international FPS market, and to touch other well-known IPs. Although it is not possible to expect "Operation Delta" to directly shake the market position of these masterpieces, it is at least a very brave attempt to achieve the level of quasi-first-line at the moment. In addition, for foreigners, stable operation, high production capacity, and less plug-ins are the most practical things in FPS, and the basic demands of domestic players are also very different: the game itself is free, there is no need to hang an accelerator, low latency, team persuasion, etc., these are the advantages that Tencent has accumulated over the years of Gaas games. Looking back, "playing something good" is not a big deal, but a kind of confidence in our own products, as well as confidence in this market, for us, to see high-standard domestic games appear one after another, why not a good thing?

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