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returned to the top 5 of the best-selling list, "Singing Tide" is much calmer

Game Grape 2024/07/23 22:40


On July 22, after the opening of the long departure card pool, "Singing Tide" only took 3 hours to enter the top 10 of the best-selling list and 6 hours to enter the top 5, refreshing the fastest and best results of the game in China; Overseas, "Ming Tide" also topped the best-selling list in Korea, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan in China, and the top 10 best-selling lists in 18 markets such as Japan and Singapore.

What is even more strange than the results is that many players say that they like Changli, mainly because of her sentence "Are you trapped here by the rain?" lines, even a silky look.

Game grapes, back to the top 5 of the best-selling list, "Singing Tide" is much more calm

Love at first sight? Although this attribution is a bit irresponsible, players will talk about it, does that also mean that leaving this character for a long time is far more than what everyone seems?


Chang Li: Ended the good and bad of "Singing Tide".

On the surface alone, Changli can be called the most successful character since the launch of "Singing Tide" -

In terms of image, his figure is tall and plump, his costume design and character characteristics are in line with the spirit bird Phoenix, and his appearance and demeanor are in line with the image of a strategist who is not triggered, coupled with the setting of high body temperature and flushed face due to fire ability, which can make many players stop.

Game grapes, back to the top 5 of the best-selling list, "Singing Tide" is much more calm

On this basis, the image design of Changli also incorporates a lot of ingenuity. For example, passive skills bring it six different images, which may also be an important reason why the number of long-distance modeling surfaces exceeds 100,000, which is equivalent to 3-4 times that of conventional high-quality second games.

Game grapes, back to the top 5 of the best-selling list, "Singing Tide" is much more calm

The form of the long detachment

For another example, although everyone understands the reason for the body temperature setting, Kulo's grasp of the character's expression design always makes many people think that Changli's affectionate glance with a blush on his face is "seducing me." ”

Game grapes, back to the top 5 of the best-selling list, "Singing Tide" is much more calm

In terms of action, Changli's skill mod has once again broken through the game's ceiling. The two sets of tense skill animation performances of the previous characters broke everyone's imagination of the special effects of the big world;

Game grapes, back to the top 5 of the best-selling list, "Singing Tide" is much more calm

Changli further digs into the action design, the characters not only have different combat movements in the five stages, but also have the game's unique air combat design, and after a set of fights, you can also turn into a phoenix and dive (other characters can only jump and receive falling attacks).

Game grapes, back to the top 5 of the best-selling list, "Singing Tide" is much more calm

Not to mention Kulo's extra ingenuity in the character's operating feel, demeanor, and sound effects, such as the sound of the phoenix chirping that moves with the skill and the sound of the sword qi breaking through the air; Each attack has a different move; After the fire burned out, the character had a reddish expression on his face...... Changli's shaping in terms of actual machines not only has a solid foundation, but also can always surprise people in the details.

Game grapes, back to the top 5 of the best-selling list, "Singing Tide" is much more calm

Recruiting moves for different attack phases

Game grapes, back to the top 5 of the best-selling list, "Singing Tide" is much more calm

This haggy expression is too poignant

In terms of narrative, the plot content related to the long separation also seems to be much more relaxed than the 1.0 version.

For example, the scene of the first encounter in the rain in the main line of 1.1 can be said to be the most exciting performance of "Singing Tide" at present, with a natural introduction, calm character movements, and a surplus lens language...... It can be seen that after adjusting the functionality of the plot, "Singing Tide" is also trying to make it more artistic conception and artistic atmosphere.

Game grapes, back to the top 5 of the best-selling list, "Singing Tide" is much more calm

Game grapes, back to the top 5 of the best-selling list, "Singing Tide" is much more calm

You will find that in the latest plot, "Singing Tide" no longer instills settings and big truths in you, but repeatedly emphasizes some simple but delicate keywords through profiles, scene design, and action performances: game, immortality, inheritance...... Make it easier for players to understand the character.

Game grapes, back to the top 5 of the best-selling list, "Singing Tide" is much more calm

The degree of delicacy in shaping the growth of young children

It does feel like "Hungry: A Thousand Miles at the End of the Ming Dynasty".

Looking back at Changli, you will find that the most successful part of this character creation lies in self-consistency - from the 1.0 ambush pen, her appearance, strategy, battles, and experiences all give people the feeling that what she sees is what she should be.

Game grapes, back to the top 5 of the best-selling list, "Singing Tide" is much more calm

Changli has always been in line with the image of a strategist

In comparison, the characters created before "Singing Tide" have more or less bugs. For example, some characters do not have many scenes, and some characters will fall into controversy due to the setting, and the misalignment of these contents will lead to a confusing impression of the 1.0 version by players.

Changli can be said to be the first character in "Mingchao" with a self-consistent design and basically no lightning points, she has completely eaten the dividends of the game's performance upgrade, and also shows the most mature content state of the game, which in turn raises everyone's expectations for new characters;

Game grapes, back to the top 5 of the best-selling list, "Singing Tide" is much more calm

At the same time, many players will feel that the plot of version 1.1 is very cool and proud. The main source of this coolness may also be because it has closed most of the foreshadowing and settings since the game's open beta, and when it is broken, it will be broken off, leaving the plot, characters, settings and other content of the past "Singing Tide" before version 1.1, leaving a better starting point for the future of the game, so that players can have the expectation of "the game is getting better" and "my experience is improving".

Game grapes, back to the top 5 of the best-selling list, "Singing Tide" is much more calm

For example, after revealing the identity of the protagonist

Many characters' favorability towards them is no longer a source of water

Therefore, in a sense, Changli ended the good and bad of "Ming Tide" in the past.


Self-consistency is on the agenda

If you pay attention to the game, you may find that after version 1.1, "Singing Tide" is like opening a hanging, bringing players a completely different game experience.

Speaking of performances alone, most of the performance forms of version 1.0 are multi-person panoramic camera perspectives and standing stump dialogues; At the beginning of the 1.1 version, Abu's plot was introduced, and it was very particular about the language of the shot, almost every sentence would cut the shot, and it would not deliberately scare on the speaker's face, and would show the reactions and demeanors of other characters through storyboards.

For example, when Abu named himself, Qin Yang's eyes would shift from Abu to the protagonist, squinting and smiling, and a helpless and spoiled mood arose.

Game grapes, back to the top 5 of the best-selling list, "Singing Tide" is much more calm

Regarding the analysis of the performance of version 1.1, you can watch the video of the UP main parrot of station B (BV1Tf421q7VT), which is very in-depth.

Let's talk about the big world design, before, we talked about the design of version 1.1 of Chengxiao Mountain in terms of visual spectacle, decryption exploration, monsters, etc., and now through these designs, I see a bigger change in "Singing Tide": they are trying to build a self-consistent world ecology -

For example, Chengxiao Mountain is the birthplace of the "horn" that controls the power of time, so many decryptions in the mountain are related to time; For example, the new monster Ding Dong sometimes basks in the sun on the beach, and after encountering an enemy, he will panic to find a snow to roll around, restore his ice armor state, and take two steps to mention "pants";

Game grapes, back to the top 5 of the best-selling list, "Singing Tide" is much more calm

Source: Station B @一只白给一只爽

Another example is that if the character stays in Chengxiao Mountain for a long time, there will be traces of snowflakes freezing on the screen, and the hot springs around Hongzhen can alleviate this situation and restore the character's health and stamina - next to the hot springs, you can also meet the same laid-back dog kitten, and the little girl sitting by the pool and shaking her legs.

Game grapes, back to the top 5 of the best-selling list, "Singing Tide" is much more calm

Speaking of this, you will find that throughout the article, whether it is the characters, performances, or the big world, I am talking about some very detailed changes, because I think that compared with simple modeling and scene upgrades, these detailed and soft things may be able to really improve the player's body and make people feel surprised.


See the true level of Kulo?

Having said that, the performance of Changli and version 1.1 may also make many people wonder: why is it that only one version is separated, "Singing Tide" is like a sudden enlightenment and enlightenment, which directly improves the overall quality of the game by more than one grade? Are they really only playing against the wind?

First of all, I think that many of the technologies and capabilities of version 1.1 of "Singing Tide" have traces of past accumulation.

As early as "Battle Twin Pamish", Kuro has a mature methodology in terms of combat, narrative, and performance. For example, their new character Lucia, which was launched on their 4.5th anniversary, is similar to Changli, and is also an air combat character that focuses on flame performances, and as early as 2023, Kuro has already told stories with the eyes of characters in "Battle Twin Pamish".

Game grapes, back to the top 5 of the best-selling list, "Singing Tide" is much more calm

An interactive performance of Lamia in "Battle Twin Pamish".

The eyes are full of drama

But why this accumulation was not used in "Singing Tide" in the first place, it is not clear for the time being. And there are many factors that affect the differences between the game versions of "Ringing Tide", and it doesn't make much sense to speculate on the reasons now. As mentioned above, the performance of at least version 1.1 has allowed players to see the true level of Kuro (perhaps Kuro is still hiding it), and also made them regain their confidence and expectations in the game -

For example, you see, is the public opinion related to "Singing Tide" much better now than when the server was launched? The plot copywriting, which was once regarded as a laggard by players, is it also being disseminated, discussed, and chewed repeatedly by more people?

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