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100,000 tickets were sold out in 1 minute, how did Station B and the "Second Yuan" occupy July? | BW site

Entertainment unicorns 2024/07/18 22:32

Author | Li Xunhuan

Edit| Stir-fried hawthorn in sugar

There is nothing more attractive to the second dimension than a comic convention, and if there is, it is a "big comic convention".

From July 12th to 14th, Station B held BW2024 at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai.

For non-quadratic audiences, "BW" is a word that needs to be explained: BW, the abbreviation of BilibiliWorld, is a new offline event brand founded by Bilibili in 2017. As a comprehensive entertainment carnival, its content includes performances, exhibitions, interactive entertainment games and other aspects, and has been held for 6 sessions so far, which is not only one of the major offline events of Station B, but also an important business card of Shanghai youth culture.

Entertainment unicorn, 100,000 tickets sold out in 1 minute, how did Station B and the "second yuan" occupy July? | BW site

And for the second dimension, the explanation? It's too late to explain, this is my identity information, please help me grab a ticket quickly!

According to the data released by Station B on June 30, BW2024 was sold out within one minute after the first round of tickets were opened on June 29. Among them, 20,000+ big member tickets were sold out in 30 seconds, and 100,000+ general tickets were sold out in 1 minute, which is more steady-after than the concert tickets of some traffic stars.

After the defeat of the N Duo "Hand Remnant Party", they beat their chests and feet, grabbing a friend and shouting: Who is it, who snatched my BW ticket? The degree of hoarseness is comparable to when An Lingrong shouted Baojuan in a hoarse voice.

It is reported that during the three-day event, the total number of offline participants in BW reached 25W+, and the cumulative peak of the single-day live broadcast room of Station B reached 30 million+. Thanks to the help of ACG, the IP authorization scale of station B has also moved from 10 billion to 100 billion market.

After experiencing BW in Shanghai for three days last weekend, the biggest emotion of the entertainment unicorn is: the two-dimensional people are so fierce. "I won't be tired at all, I've been dancing for three days and three nights" is the best portrayal of them.

Shanghai, occupied by the second dimension

For ACG, BW is a sweet dream. "No one here will ask you how much your monthly salary is, whether you have found a job, no one will ask you how many points you scored in exams, how many places you rank in the class, everyone seems to freeze time at this moment, and no longer think about things other than happiness."

Therefore, if you were in Shanghai last weekend, you would see a large number of ACG gathered in Hongqiao Tiandi, Joy City, Metro City and other places, even if it is a non-Internet celebrity restaurant, it is the norm to wait for an hour to go up. If you happen to pass by the National Exhibition and Convention Center, you will find that it is the "hardest hit area" of the second dimension. Cosers are randomly haunted, whether it is "Genshin Impact", "Demon Slayer", or "Mobile Suit Gundam" and "Attack on Titan", there is only makeup that you can't think of, and there is no makeup that cosers won't make.

There are also many people wearing full-body suits, incarnated as mischievous cats, Doraemon, crayon Xiaoxin and Ultraman, which can make Lao Jin played by Huang Bo in "Wading the Angry Sea" so anxious that he scratches his ears and cheeks: Where is Li Miaomiao hiding?

Although BW officially opened at 10 o'clock on July 12, there were countless two-dimensional queues outside the National Convention and Exhibition Center in Shanghai at 6 o'clock. Entertainment unicorns are already packed by then, and senior users of station B who "play "Genshin and play stupid" told Entertainment Unicorns that there are many people queuing up here at three o'clock in the morning, judging from the bread, milk, Huoxiang Zhengqi liquid, SLR, suitcases and folding small benches they carry, most of them have done enough routes and equipment strategies, just to enter the limited edition millet and various peripherals for the first time.

Entertainment unicorn, 100,000 tickets sold out in 1 minute, how did Station B and the "second yuan" occupy July? | BW site

Under the related topics of Station B's official Weibo, Weibo and Xiaohongshu, there are more than N two-dimensional saying "No kidding, I feel that Shanghai has 100 million two-dimensional yuan". Otherwise, #7月的上海已被二次元占领#也不会登上热搜.

According to data released by Meituan, the search volume of hotels around BW has skyrocketed by 360%, and some people even book rooms half a year in advance. Hotels within 5 kilometers of less than 800 yuan have a sell-out rate of 20% in advance, and a sell-out rate of 90% for high-star hotels in an hourly room.

In addition to adults, there are also countless young people here. Ticket buyers under the age of 16 need to be accompanied by a guardian to the scene and sign the "Minors Admission Safety Commitment" before entering. There are many parents who do not understand their child's hobbies, but still support him and come to the museum to experience it for themselves.

Since BW landed in Shanghai in 2017, the scale of ACG has increased year by year, and the scale of BW has also increased year by year.

In order to welcome this batch of two-dimensional, Station B has prepared nine theme exhibitions this year, such as Meet Animation, Game World, Dream Market, Love Voice, UP Main Space, and Endless Pain, which are distributed in five exhibition halls, gathering 700+ exhibitors (53 new exhibitors), 800+ up masters, 450+ creator booths, and an exhibition area of 170,000 square meters. It is also the largest comprehensive exhibition in the field of ACG in China.

"Book of Undetermined Events" does not have a physical booth, but four Q-version giant dolls are set up; The booth of "Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" placed a dragon head that can swallow clouds and spit out fog; The booth of "Love of Light and Night" was full of signs of Xiao Yi, Lu Shen, Qi Shili, and Charlie Sue, like a fat orange flopping in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", focusing on a "player is God"; A giant mechanical eye was hung at the booth of "Love and Deep Space", and when the tied Qin Che appeared in a small car, many players shouted "Play Love and Deep Space, be a happy woman".

But the most eye-catching is undoubtedly the "Honkai: Star Dome Railway" booth. In order to make fans sigh "It's worth it", BW prepared a Sam mecha that is 8 meters tall and can move freely, and when it moves slowly with a sword, countless two-dimensional mechas shouted together in front of the booth mecha with the famous line "I will ignite the sea".

Entertainment unicorn, 100,000 tickets sold out in 1 minute, how did Station B and the "second yuan" occupy July? | BW site

For another batch of two-dimensional elements, BW attracts them the most is the painful car.

Painful cars, that is, cars with ACG patterns painted on the body, belong to a kind of painful car culture. It is rarely seen on the street, but BW has 600 painful cars in three days, which can be called the largest gathering place for painful cars in China. From the "ordinary pain car" geek 001FR, BMW 5 Series, to the luxury pain car McLaren P1, Lamborghini bull, everything is available, leaving the poor two-dimensional and entertainment unicorns with tears of excitement and envy in minutes.

Entertainment unicorn, 100,000 tickets sold out in 1 minute, how did Station B and the "second yuan" occupy July? | BW site

The scale of IP authorization of station B is moving towards the 100 billion market

The popularity of BW is just a microcosm of the attack of the second dimension, and the market scale is more worthy of attention. According to iResearch's data, in 2023, the scale of China's ACG industry will increase by 27.6% to 221.9 billion yuan, and it is moving from subculture to popular culture.

Behind the rapid growth of the industry scale is the help of countless ACG and pan-ACG users.

China's pan-ACG user base is extensive, and the growth rate of user scale in recent years can be summarized by a fast word. Many of the Generation Z people who grew up in the era of mobile Internet are solid lovers of two-dimensional culture. At present, there are about 430 million people in China's "Pan Generation Z" (born between 1995 and 2019), accounting for about 28.1% of the total number of Internet users.

This group of people has novel consumption concepts, higher online consumption ability and willingness, and huge consumption potential. According to a survey, "the total annual disposable income of China's Generation Z group reached 13 trillion yuan, and more than seventy percent of the surveyed Generation Z had a monthly disposable income of more than 3,000 yuan, with an average of about 4,193 yuan per capita." With

the help of the majority of ACG users and pan-ACG users, related peripherals and co-branding have repeatedly achieved good results, with the sales of the "Ark of Tomorrow" setting exceeding 25 million in one hour, the sales of "Love and Deep Space" exceeding 40 million in two hours, and the sales of a single bouncing bomb mug in "Genshin Impact" exceeding 10 million, not to mention various blind boxes, badges and humanoid stands.

Entertainment unicorn, 100,000 tickets sold out in 1 minute, how did Station B and the "second yuan" occupy July? | BW site

In addition to the increasing number of ACG users, policy support is also an important driving factor for the development and prosperity of the ACG content industry. Taking the animation industry as an example, its development has been continuously supported by a number of national policies, including but not limited to favorable tax policies, the construction of comprehensive demonstration parks, the investment of special funds, the construction of an international copyright trading platform, and the promotion of the development of the entire animation industry chain.

On July 16, two days after the end of BW2024, Station B held the second Licensing Ecology Conference at Shanghai 1862 Fashion Art Center, which is an industry sharing meeting for the majority of IP licensing partners, from which we can see the efforts made by Station B in IP licensing and the current IP licensing market overview.

According to the official data of Station B, from 2019 to the present, the total number of authorized IPs of Station B has accumulated nearly 200, including national creation, comics, Rifan, virtual artists, documentaries, live-action film and television, brand image, etc.; The number of cooperative brands exceeds 500, covering all dimensions of clothing, food, housing and transportation such as daily chemicals, catering, 3C digital, games, automobiles, etc., with a total of more than 1,600 authorizations, which not only covers all IP categories, but also achieves breakthroughs in many emerging fields such as the combination of documentaries and catering, virtual artists, and brand image IP.

In offline theme activities such as millet pop-up stores and IP co-branding activities, it is the "ruling field" of ACG, and it shows a strong social and social platform activity. Thanks to the crazy two-dimensional, the scale of Bilibili's licensing business has also changed from 10 billion market transactions to 100 billion market transactions.

The representative image of this field is none other than Luo Tianyi. This virtual singer, after 12 years of development, has become the most well-known artist in China, and the New Year's Eve party at Station B is just a basic exercise, and she is also present at the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics culture and the CCTV Spring Festival Gala. There were a lot of painful cars at the scene, and they were also full of Luo Tianyi dolls.

From the perspective of market size and favorable policies, it also explains why global giants such as Sony, Disney, and Intel all have large booths at BW2024 and send VP-level executives to participate.

At the BW scene, Disney mascots such as Mickey Mouse and Lena Belle performed, the "Zootopia" booth attracted many fans to check in, and the entertainment unicorn noticed that some couple fans even had mobile phone cases Judy and Fox Nick.

Entertainment unicorn, 100,000 tickets sold out in 1 minute, how did Station B and the "second yuan" occupy July? | BW site

Rejuvenation is an inevitable trend. And the high degree of overlap between the two-dimensional group and Generation Z also makes them never miss the BW2024 event. Whoever can grasp the two-dimensional group will undoubtedly grasp the initiative in the future market competition.

Although BW2024 and the Licensing Ecology Conference have ended, it is a non-stop battle for both major IPs and major brands to capture the two-dimensional group.


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